Local History News: February 26, 2025
Field Note On Tuesday, February 4, MNHS held its All-Staff Get-Together at the Minnesota History Center. Hundreds of staff from across the state...
Staff from both MNHS Heritage Preservation, Planning, and Outreach and the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office visited Phelps Mill Park. Legacy Grant funding and Capital Grant funding went into a preservation project, which included structural stabilization and replacement of some materials in-kind. After looking at the mill, staff then looked at the Phelps Mill Store, which has received Legacy Grant funding for a feasibility study.
The Grants Office is Coming to Pope County
You bring the questions; we'll bring the answers. The MNHS Grants Office will be holding an in-person Grants Open House with our colleagues at the Pope County Historical Society in beautiful Glenwood, MN on June 6 from 11 am to 1 pm. Drop in to chat with friendly grants and local history services specialists about your Minnesota history work, open grants, or project ideas. A light lunch will be provided.
RSVPs are appreciated but not required. RSVP to Gillian and include a few notes about what you'd like to talk about. If we have interest in specific topics from multiple groups, our team will put together a short presentation.
Large Grant Deadline
Pre-applications for the Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants large grant round (requests over $10,000) will be due Friday, July 21, 2023. This is a required part of the large grant application process. Contact the Grants Office with questions.
Small Grant Deadline
The next small grant deadline (requests of $10,000 or less) for the MHCHG program is Friday, July 14, 2023.
This week's blog post is from Pope County Historical Society. Have a blog? Let us know!
Unexpected Benefits of On-line Collection Access
At the Pope County Museum, we share our museum collection with the public at MNCollections.org. It is a website we share with almost 50 other museums around the state. We use CollectiveAccess MN as our collection management software here at the museum. The software helps us to keep track of all the cool objects in the museum. We can record who donated an item (and when), what the object is, who made it, how it was used, how it connects to other object in the collection, how it connects to Pope County people and organizations, and how it connects to physical places around the county. Most importantly, it helps us keep track of WHERE in the museum the item lives so we can find it again for researchers, exhibits, or family members. Continue Reading »
This week's post is from African American Registry. Have a video channel or podcast? Let us know!
The Underground Railroad in America, Dr. Charles Blockson
Dr. Charles Blockson is a historian, author, and collector of African American content. In this segment, he shares some of the historical components that created the Underground Railroad in America. Watch Video »
Minnesota Historical Society's Job Announcement, Internship, Fellowship, and Volunteer Opportunity pages.
Program Facilitator III - Split Rock Lighthouse
Additional Job Postings in the Field »
Image used with permission. From the collections of the Kandiyohi County Historical Society.
Submit your history organization's news and events to localhistorynews@mnhs.org.
Presentation: Wild Things
June 1 @ 7 pm - Minneapolis: Magers & Quinn Booksellers - Lynette Reini-Grandell will read from and discuss her new memoir Wild Things: A Trans-Glam-Punk-Rock Love Story, which tells the story of her relationship with Venus de Mars of the band All the Pretty Horses and the many challenges they faced together. Cost: Free. Learn more »
Event: Annual Victorian Lawn Party
June 3 @ 1 to 4 pm - Mankato: Hubbard House - The annual Victorian Lawn Party will have something for everyone to enjoy. Including lawn games, costumed characters, a child's tea party, and more. This event is free to the public; however, admission is required if participants wish to tour the Hubbard House. For more information call 507-345-5566.
Class: House of Style - Understanding Historic Interiors
June 6 @ 10 am to 12 pm (CT) - Online: Rethos - From Craftsman to Colonial Revival, Foursquare to Federal, and beyond, residential interiors boast distinct design elements that add character, charm, and value. In this class, you'll learn about the qualities that define old house styles and gain insights on common layouts, features, materials, and finishes of homes built from the 1880s to the 1960s. Cost: No cost for the general public. Learn more »
A look at the history of our sweetest springtime crop: Maple Syrup
June 6 @ 7 to 8 pm Stillwater & Online: Washington County Heritage Center - Minnesota Maple Syrup Producers Association’s Steve Saupe will provide an overview of the history of maple syrup with an emphasis on making a great tasting product. Samples provided. Cost: free. Learn more »
Class: DIY Webinar - Plaster Repair and Wood Window Maintenance
June 10 @ 1 to 2 pm (CT) - Online: Rethos - This informative webinar will teach you all you need to know about plaster and window repair and maintenance. Get tips on the best products to use and learn techniques that can simplify the repair process while getting it done right. Cost: Pay what you can. Learn more »
A Celebration of Life for Jean-Nickolaus Tretter
June 23 @ 1 to 3 pm - Minneapolis: Elmer L. Andersen Library - Celebrate the life and legacy of Jean-Nickolaus Tretter (1946-2022), founder and namesake of the Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies at the University of Minnesota Libraries, Archives, and Special Collection. Livestreaming option available. Learn more »
Highlighted Museum: Minnesota Newspaper Museum, operated at Minnesota State Fair, Falcon Heights, MN.
Photograph by Jonathunder, distributed under a GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.
Caring for Museum Collections (Summer 2023)
June 12 through August 6 - Online Course: American Association for State and Local History - This practical course will cover how collections age and deteriorate, handling collections, storage requirements, environmental considerations, housekeeping, and risk management. Cost: $215 members/$315 nonmembers. Learn more »
Asphalt Art Initiative
June 12 - (deadline): Bloomberg Philanthropies - Supporting pilot projects to demonstrate the impact of these low-cost activations and encourage cities to develop their own processes for implementing effective asphalt art projects. Learn more »
Fundamentals of Nonprofit Finance
June 14 @ 9 am to 12 pm (CT) - Online: Propel Nonprofits - This training is designed to make you more comfortable with nonprofit finance. We’ll walk through nonprofit financial reports including the statement of activities (income statement) and statement of financial position (balance sheet). You will gain an understanding of nonprofit finance terminology, accounting rules, roles and responsibilities, and procedures and policies. Cost: $75. Learn more »
Museums for All
June 15 @ 2 pm (CT) - Online: IMLS - Are you interested in learning more about Museums for All, an initiative dedicated to expanding community access? Join staff from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Association of Children’s Museums to learn more about how and why over 1,100 museums participate in the program. Cost: Free. Learn more »
Sustainability, Relevance, and the Future of Historic House Museums
July 11 & 12 @ 11 am to 4 pm (CT): American Association for State and Local History - This virtual summit will answer the question of what makes a historic site not only sustainable but relevant in 2023 and beyond. Sessions will explore missions, measuring success, interpretation, preservation, inclusion, and more. Cost: $85 members/$99 non-members. Learn more »
Introduction to the Care of Paintings
July 20 @ 10:30 am to 4:30 pm: Midwest Art Conservation Center at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design - This one-day hands-on workshop will provide an in-depth overview of the methods and materials used in the preservation of paintings. Cost: $150. Learn more »
Additional Educational Opportunities »
Small Museums Scholarships Available for the AASLH Annual Conference
June 15 - (deadline): American Association for State and Local History’s Small Museums Committee is offering scholarships to any AASLH members who are full-time, part-time, paid, or volunteer employees of small museums. The $700 scholarship will cover the cost of registration. Any remaining funds can be used to offset travel and/or lodging expenses. To qualify, the applicant must work for a museum with a budget of $250,000 or less and either be an individual member of AASLH or work for an institutional member. Learn more »
Quatrefoil Library Scholarship (Deadline correction)
July 15 - (Deadline): Quatrefoil Library College Scholarship is a one-time, $1,000 scholarship open to all high school seniors or college students who are/will be attending college within the State of Minnesota. Quatrefoil is one of the country’s oldest and largest LGBTQ lending libraries and also serves as a community center. Learn more »
Daughters of the American Revolution Historic Preservation Grants
August 1 - October 31 (open for applications): The program provides community grant funding for projects that preserve historic resources, sites, and other history-related projects. The maximum grant is $10,000, and smaller projects are encouraged. Each application must be accompanied by a DAR chapter or state organization sponsorship letter. Learn more »
Renew America's Nonprofits Grants
August 3 - (deadline): U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - A $45 million funding opportunity that will support projects to reduce energy use in buildings owned and operated by 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Learn more »
Needmor’s Core Grants Program
This grants Program provides general operating support to groups engaged in the work of community organizing. Grantees funded through this program are eligible to receive funding for up to three years, after which an organization may not apply for at least two years. Learn more »
New Features of Nomenclature Cataloging Tool
The Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging site has new linked open data features that will make it easier for Nomenclature to integrate with museum collections management software and other systems. The Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging website is a collaboration between AASLH and other organizations. An API is coming soon. Learn more »
Museum Marketing, Communications & Audience Engagement Glossary
This free online glossary by Tronvig is a compendium of critical but often loosely defined terms relevant to the work of museum marketing, communications, and audience engagement professionals. Each word has a brief summary of what it means, how it’s used, and why it matters. The glossary was created as a resource for the community of museum professionals. View Glossary »
Douglas County Historical Society earns awards for cemetery restoration
Alexandria Echo Press — The Douglas County Historical Society was presented with two separate awards in May for its cemetery restoration work last summer. Continue reading »
Why does Pine Island have a cheese festival? It traces back to the early 1900s
Rochester Post Bulletin - Susan Bringgold filled her heart with cheese. Continue reading »
Reaching new travelers: Regional tourism departments pair up with influencers to showcase their states
Grand Forks Herald - Cory Lee has traveled to seven continents and more than 40 countries with the goal of helping wheelchair users travel the world. He has 32,000 followers on Instagram. So when Explore Minnesota was looking to show off the state’s wheelchair-accessible tourist destinations, they partnered with Lee for a social media campaign. Continue reading »
Hennepin County pushing more documents online
StarTribune - His hands fitted in blue nitrile gloves, county archivist Pierce Flanagan gingerly pulled back the pages of a stack of county land records dating to 1855, hunting for metal. Continue reading »
Featured BookThe Dakota Prisoner of War Letters by Clifford Canku and Michael Simon. Minnesota Historical Society Press. |
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From the Heritage Preservation Department
Reminder: Due to COVID-19 all Heritage Preservation Department staff (Grants Office and Local History Services) are working remotely until further notice. If you need to connect with a specific staff member, please email them directly.
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Field Note On Tuesday, February 4, MNHS held its All-Staff Get-Together at the Minnesota History Center. Hundreds of staff from across the state...
Field Note Local History Services visited with staff and volunteers at the Lac qui Parle County Historical Society in Madison, Minnesota on Friday,...
Field Note Staff from Local History Services met with Visitor Services Manager Dani Pieratos and Archivist Morgan Olson of the Bois Forte Heritage...