13 min read


Local History News: May 24, 2023

Local History News - Minnesota Historical Society, Heritage Preservation

Field Note

Three staff sitting at the table at Minnesota Historical Society booth

Staff from Heritage Preservation, Planning, and Outreach along with staff from Community Engagement helped work the MNHS booth at Rochester Pride on Saturday, May 20. Genealogical information on how to discover your LGBTQIA+ ancestors was provided, as well as information on the History Center of Olmsted County's newest exhibit, "To Have and To Hold," on the tenth anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage in Minnesota.



The Minnesota Historical Society will be performing important website updates that will impact some users in the short-term.
Starting May 31

  • Access to the Collections Online portal will be temporarily restricted. Access is expected to be restored in less than a month. Collections Online will remain accessible for in-person researchers at the Gale Family Library.
  • Finding aids will remain accessible to all researchers, but they will need to be accessed through our online Library and Archives Catalog or by using computers located at the Gale Family Library, rather than through the Archival Collections Finding Aids page or the global MNHS search box. This work is anticipated to last throughout the summer.
  • Access to other research tools–including Minnesota People Records Search, the Minnesota Newspaper Hub, and Research Guides–will not be impacted by these updates.

    The team at MNHS understands this temporary disruption will be an inconvenience, and they will be available to help during this period. Please contact the Library at 651-259-3300 or reference@mnhs.org. You can also use this email to request updates on this project.

Heritage Preservation Grants

Spotlighted project: Our History: Oral Histories of Latino Businesses on East Lake Street
Oral History of East Lake Street - Report coverThe grant helped fund an oral history research project into how Latino businesses on East Lake Street initiated the revitalization of the area at the end of the 20th century.

In 1995, a New York Times story called Minneapolis "Murderapolis" after a record 97 murders that year, and the center of this crime was around Lake Street in South Minneapolis. Mercado Central was the first business to come into the area in 1999 and began its transformation. After that, many more Latino businesses opened on Lake Street, as well as businesses of other nationalities and ethnicities. Although this area still faces many problems today, it has undergone many positive changes since the influx of these businesses into the area, including greatly reduced crime and poverty.

Interviews and transcripts, plus edited videos from the interviews were completed. The project was able to secure the participation of 15 interviewees. Future generations of students, residents, and entrepreneurs will benefit from learning from this extraordinary process, from the creation of the Mercado Central to the reshaping of the entire neighborhood, but particularly from the endurance of those who have continued with the legacy they brought to the area, as those who have been and will continue replicating the example.

Recipient: Hispanic Advocacy and Community Empowerment through Research (HACER)
Amount Funded: $35,200
Project Details

GRANT BUSThe Grants Office is coming to Pope County
You bring the questions; we'll bring the answers. The MNHS Grants Office will be holding an in-person Grants Open House with our colleagues at the Pope County Historical Society in beautiful Glenwood, MN on June 6, from 11 am to 1 pm. Drop in to chat with friendly grants and local history services specialists about your Minnesota history work, open grants, or project ideas. A light lunch will be provided. 

RSVPs are appreciated but not required. RSVP to Gillian and include a few notes about what you'd like to talk about. If we have interest in specific topics from multiple groups, our team will put together a short presentation.

Large Grant Deadline
Pre-applications for the Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants large grant round (requests over $10,000) will be due Friday, July 21, 2023. This is a required part of the large grant application process. Contact the Grants Office with questions.


From the Blog

This week's blog post is from Nicollet County Historical Society. Have a blog? Let us know!

Exterior of the District 6 School building. Historic Marker sign is in the foreground and a farm field is in the background

Lessons Learned from the District 6 Schoolhouse
The first school building on this site was constructed in the early 1860s, and in 1863, Johanna Peterson became the first teacher in the schoolhouse. The present building, which is the third schoolhouse, was built in 1929. However, in 1957, the State ordered all school districts to be reassigned new numbers, and District #6 was renamed #1273. Classes were eventually discontinued after the 1957-1958 year.

In 1963, the site was transferred to New Sweden Township and was subsequently used as a town hall for voting and community events until 2003. The property was later transferred to the Friends of District 6 Association in 2011, with the aim of utilizing it for educational and community purposes. Continue Reading »

More MN Blog posts


From the Tube

This week's post is from Gibbs Farm: Pathways to Dakota & Pioneer Life. Have a video channel or podcast? Let us know!

Great Episodes: Ida & Lillie at the Chicago World's Fair
Hear about Ida and Lillie's visit to the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and read Gibbs descendent Karen Dosh's article! Watch Video »

More MN Tube posts


Job Opportunities

Minnesota Historical Society's Job AnnouncementInternship,  Fellowship, and Volunteer Opportunity pages.






Additional Job Postings in the Field »


Do History Here

Pulpwood being loaded on freighters in harbor by a crane. early 1950s
Image used with permission. From the collections of the Cook County Historical Society.


Submit your history organization's news and events to localhistorynews@mnhs.org.

Tour: Hubbard House Nooks and Crannies 
May 25 @ 6 pm - Mankato: Hubbard House - The Nooks and Crannies Tour will take people beyond the basic tour of the Hubbard House. Participants will be shown through the basement and attic as well as the upper level of the Carriage House, spaces not usually a part of the regular tour. Cost: $7 members/$10 nonmembers. Learn more »

Class: So You Bought an Old Home...Now What?
May 25 @ 6:30 to 8 pm - St. Paul: Rethos - So you just bought an old home, but now what? There are lots of projects to plan and things to fix. But where should you start? Join resident Old Home professional Mark Johnson for a round table on prioritizing projects for your new home. This will be a discussion-led class where you can ask any and all questions about your new home. Location: Landmark Center. Cost: Pay what you can. Learn more »

Presentation: Antique Phonographs
May 25 @ 7 pm - Stillwater: Warden's House Museum - Spend an evening listening to and learning about the Warden’s House Museum antique phonographs as Washington County Historical Society member Mike Frain demonstrates how the Warden’s House collection of phonographs work. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Presentation: 2023 Lunchbox History Series
Fourth Thursday of the month May Through September @ 12 pm - Austin: Mower County Historical Society - This event will also be live-streamed on their Facebook page. Cost: Free. Learn more »

  • May 25 – Stories of the Cedar River
  • June 22 – The Butcher, The Embezzler, and The Fall Guy
  • July 27 – The Day William Jennings Bryan came to Austin
  • August 24 – 70th Anniversary of Moving the Little White Church
  • September 28 – When Minnehaha Flowed with Whiskey

Exhibit: Gibson Girls (& Guys) of Glensheen
Opens May 26 - Duluth: Glensheen Historic Estate - The exhibition showcases clothing and accessories of the era. Visitors can expect to see garments such as gowns, tuxedos, hats, and wool bathing suits will be displayed throughout the first three levels of the house. Chester’s original top hats will be featured along with other men’s attire. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Tour: Summer Saturday Walking Tours
Saturdays from May 27 to September 2 - Winona: Winona County Historical Society - Take a closer look at the historical places and people of Winona with a walking tour. Each tour leaves from and returns to the Winona County History Center. All tours are an hour long. Cost: $6 member/$10 nonmember. Learn more »

  • 10:30 am - Windom Park Historic District
  • 12 pm - Historic Downtown Winona

Presentation: Vanishing Landmarks
May 30 @ 5:30 to 7 pm - Renville: Renville County Genealogical Society, Renville Museum, & Danube Historical Society - Enjoy dinner while you explore the back roads and small towns with photographer and historian Doug Ohman as he shares stories and history of Minnesota through abandoned buildings. Location: Renville Community Center. Cost: $15/$20 at door. For more information call 320-212-4724.

Presentation: The 1931 Stuart Lake Moonshine Bust: A Prohibition History Presentation
June 1 @ 6:30 pm - Chisholm: Minnesota Discovery Center - Discover the history of Prohibition on the Iron Range through the lens of a presentation highlighting the infamous 1931 Stuart Lake moonshine bust in Hibbing, MN, the largest in the northern half of the state. Come early and explore the Prohibition Exhibit "Never Dry: The Rise of Prohibition on the Iron Range," which the presentation stems from. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Exhibit: Opening Reception - Art of Fine Furniture: Making Connections  
June 3 @ 1 to 3 pm - Winona County History Center - This exhibit showcases a new selection of amazing pieces from regional studio furniture makers. It will also examine the art of joinery. Learn how these artists use various joinery methods for the types of wood chosen and how to bring it all together. Meet many of the artists and enjoy some refreshments during the opening reception. Learn more »

Presentation: Living history presentation on the G.A.R. & W.R.C.
June 3 @ 1 pm. - Worthington:  Nobles County Heritage Center - Re-enactors will present on the beginnings of the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) and the Woman's Relief Corps (W.R.C.) and the early struggles to define the organizations. In conjunction with the grand opening of the NCHS exhibit on the Grand Army of the Republic happening from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. For more information call 507-295-5397.

Event: Beer on the Pier
Wednesdays from June 7 to 28 @ 5 to 8 pm - Duluth: Glensheen Historic Estate - Beer Garden will take place throughout four Wednesday nights in June this year. Come enjoy a craft beverage or non-alcoholic drink along the shores of Lake Superior. Take a stroll through the recently restored Formal Garden, take a break on the historic pier, or skip some rocks along Tischer Creek or Lake Superior. A Brew Talk from each week’s featured brewer starts at 6:30 pm. Learn more »

Event: Juneteenth Brunch: "It Starts With Me" with Dr. Bernice A. King
June 10 @ 11 am to 3 pm - St. Paul: Minnesota Humanities Center - It Starts With Me: Cultivating a Beloved Community Mindset to Transform Unjust Systems brings a fresh perspective to the questions "Where do we go from here?" and "How do we overcome economic inequities and injustices in our world house?" Cost: $25. Learn more »

Tour: Historic Good Counsel Walking Tour
June 10 @ 10 am to 3 pm | June 11 @ 11 am to 3 pm -  Mankato: Blue Earth County Historical Society and School Sisters of Notre Dame - Guided walking tours of the Historic Our Lady of Good Counsel. The guided walking tours will feature the history of the grounds and buildings including Isidore Hall, Notre Dame Hall, Chapel, Theresa Hall, and St. Joseph Hall. Tours are limited to 15 per tour slot and last about one hour. Cost: $25. Learn more »

Event: Celebration & Plaque Unveiling - Honoring WWII Codebreakers and the Founding of Engineering Research Associates 
June 15 @ 3:30 to 5:30 pm - St. Paul: Ramsey County Historical Society -  A commemorative plaque will be installed at the Engineering Research Associates (ERA) company's original site at 1902 Minnehaha Avenue West, St. Paul, MN. ERA was formed in 1946 by a group of U.S. Navy codebreakers who had been brought together to help the country and its allies win World War II. They moved to an empty factory in St. Paul and help established the Twin Cities as one of the cradles of the computer industry, making it the home for many thousands of jobs in more than 100 technology companies including Unisys and Control Data. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Event: Opening Day
June 17 @ 1 to 4 pm – St. Peter: E. St. Julien Cox House - Opening day "come and go" tour of the historic home. Learn about crafts of the era while children learn and play historic games. Cost: Free members/$10 nonmembers. For more information call 507-934-4309. 


Continuing Education

Exterior of the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame building
Highlighted Museum: Minnesota Music Hall of Fame, New Ulm, MN.
Photograph by McGhiever, distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license.


Three_Sisters_planting_visual_graphicNative Nations and Local History Organizations Workshops
MNHS Local History Services is working with MNHS Native American Initiatives to offer the workshop “Native Nations and Local History Organizations.” Focused on building an understanding that Minnesota shares borders with four Dakota and seven Ojibwe nations who are oftentimes overlooked or underrepresented in non-Native spaces, this training is intended to support the work of history organizations across the state. Participants will leave the session with a better understanding of how to talk about Native Nations in Minnesota.

Dates and Locations:

It’s the Law! An Introduction to Legal Issues for Collecting Objects 
June 1 @ 3 pm (CT) - Online: Museum Study - This introductory webinar will introduce the concept of museum law and provide an overview of the most significant national (US) and international laws and regulations that apply to collecting for art, history, and natural history collections, and how these may impact the acquisition and accessioning of collection objects. A resource list will be provided. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Boards in Times of Adaptation
June 7 @ 12 to 1 pm (CT) - Online: Propel Nonprofits - This webinar highlights the critical actions nonprofit boards can take in this time of ongoing uncertainty when the ability to adapt is more important than ever before. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Developing Exhibitions: Design
June 12 through August 6 - Online Course: American Association for State and Local History - This course is about how to design exhibitions. Guided by an expert instructor and supported by cooperative student learning, participants will design an actual exhibit. Participants will decide what their exhibit will be about and why, identify its storyline ideas and organizing concepts, and decide on its look and feel. Cost: $215 members/$315 nonmembers. Learn more »

Cultural Community Action & Engagement for Nonprofit Staff and Boards
June 20 @ 9:30 to 11:30 am (CT) - Online: Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - In this session, you will learn approaches to building more outreach and advocacy strategies for your nonprofit. You'll identify and discuss the systems and structures that are currently in place in your organization and how to make changes. Cost: $45 members/$65 nonmembers. Learn more »


Additional Educational Opportunities »


Funding & Awards

Quatrefoil Library Scholarship
June 15 - (Deadline): Quatrefoil Library David Norris Memorial Scholarship is a one-time, $1,000 scholarship open to all high school seniors or college students who are/will be attending college within the State of Minnesota. Quatrefoil is one of the country’s oldest and largest LGBTQ lending libraries and also serves as a community center. Learn more »

TPS Regional Grant Program
The Teaching with Primary Sources Regional program promotes the widespread, sustained and effective use of primary sources from the Library of Congress in K-12 classrooms by increasing access to the TPS program. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. Learn more »

Rural Minnesota Grants
Blandin Foundation - Grants geared towards rurally-based organizations with activities directed toward rural communities. Grant Amount: Up to $50,000 and over $50,000. Visit the website for deadlines. Learn more »

Art Projects Improving Street Safety
Bloomberg Philanthropies' Asphalt Art Initiative aims to help cities use art and community engagement to improve street safety and revitalize public space. Learn more »

Jeffris Family Foundation
The Jeffris Family Foundation assists the preservation of historic sites for nonprofit organizations in small towns and cities in the eight Midwest states (WI, MN, IA, MO, IL, IN, OH, MI) in the range of $5,000 to $50,000 through three funding categories:

  • The Jeffris Heartland Fund provides matching grants for advanced planning studies for historic preservation projects preparing for a capital campaign and a restoration project.
  • Capital Campaign Challenge Grants are made to invited projects which have completed their planning and are ready to launch a capital campaign. Unsolicited applications are not accepted. Applicants should submit an Inquiry and will be assigned a Director of the Foundation to help assess the appropriateness of an application well in advance of stated deadlines.
  • The Foundation occasionally funds special projects and initiatives it finds of interest.




Lawmakers revive Minnesota's historic tax credit
StarTribune - A state tax credit to repair historic buildings has been revived in a broader tax deal struck by Minnesota Democrats.
The Minnesota Historic Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit has been in limbo since last June, when it expired after legislators failed to renew the program. Continue reading »

It was everyone’s favorite hangout
The Timber Jay - While everyone who has lived in Tower for any length of time has stories about Marttila Drug, over 60 area residents got the chance to learn more about the Marttila family’s long ties to Tower during a talk sponsored by the Tower-Soudan Historical Society.
Dave Anderson, a descendant of the Konst Marttila family, has been researching his family and their more than 100-year history as business owners on Tower’s Main Street. Continue reading »

Sinkhole tourism? Fountain, Minnesota is digging in
KARE 11 - Minnesota is known for a lot of things — from its lakes to mosquitoes. But a couple of hours outside the Twin Cities is a small town nicknamed the "sinkhole capital of the country." In Fountain, there are more sinkholes than people and now leaders there are trying to turn its claim to fame into the next must-see hot spot. "We are the self-proclaimed sinkhole capital of the USA," said Fillmore County Historical Society's executive director Sara Sturgis. "We have, I think the last count, was about 10,000-ish in the whole county." Continue reading »

Jews in Ely, Minnesota 1900–1945
Ely Echo - Simon Bourgin, born to a Jewish family in Ely describes the town as “a village in the wilderness.” Jim Klobuchar, a columnist for the Minneapolis Tribune and Ely native of Slovenian descent, called Ely “a shantytown beginning, and disaster and conflict...the mingling of its ethnic clans, the lyricism of its languages and yearnings, and the clang of its colliding cultures...the struggles and ideas of the immigrant frontier, which lies at the soul of the American experience.” Continue reading »

Minnesota Humanities Center awarded competitive NEH grant to examine military service at the margins
Insight News - Minnesota Humanities Center (MHC) has been awarded $100,000 for its project, “Examining Military Service from the Margins” which will encourage Veterans and community members to consider the experiences of women, LGBTQA, American Indian, ethnic minorities, and immigrants. MHC was one of three recipients to receive a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) Dialogues on the Experiences of War Program which supports the study and discussion of humanities sources that address the experiences of military service and war from a wide variety of perspectives. Continue reading »

Cover of book, Minescapes-Reclaiming Minnesotas Mined Lands


Cover of Minnesota History magazine


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Featured Book

Minescapes: Reclaiming Minnesota's Mined Lands by Pete Kero.

Minnesota Historical Society Press.

Featured Article
Minnesota History

The Evolution of Business Style - Minnesota Letterheads

Volume 61, Issue 4, 2008-2009

Featured Article

Republican Primary Election, 1918

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From the Heritage Preservation Department
Reminder: Due to COVID-19 all Heritage Preservation Department staff (Grants Office and Local History Services) are working remotely until further notice. If you need to connect with a specific staff member, please email them directly.

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