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Local History News: February 7, 2024

Local History News - Minnesota Historical Society, Heritage Preservation

Field Note

Todd Mahon talks with Shia Yang in the Hmong Museum Gallery

Local History Services staff were at the Hmong Museum's new space attending the opening of their latest exhibit, titled "Our Place in History: Photography of Shia Yang." Shia Yang, a former photographer for St. Paul-based newspapers Hmong Times and Hmong Pages, has utilized his photojournalism skills to capture powerful images that tell the story of the Hmong people's historical significance in their everyday lives. Pictured is State History Services Manager, Todd Mahon talking with Shia Yang during the event. The exhibit will be on display until April 21, 2024.


History Matters Day-Thursday, February 29, 2024 Two images of the old Crookston Cathedral


Above: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Crookston, MN
Legacy Grants: Roof Structure Stabilization, Foundation Stabilization, Steeple Repair, Conditions Assessment, Reuse Analysis
Recipient: Prairie Skyline Foundation, Inc.

History Matters Day at the Capitol is Thursday, February 29

Register Now for History Matters Day at the Capitol

Speak up for history! Join MNHS to show your support for history initiatives beginning at 9 am on February 29. This hybrid event will take place at the Minnesota State Capitol in Room G19 and will be live streamed on Zoom.

During History Matters Day at the Capitol, you can connect with your representatives to say thank you and urge them to provide strong support for asset preservation, facilities improvement, and historic preservation grants. Register today to attend either in person at the Minnesota State Capitol or virtually via Zoom!

Heritage Preservation Grants

Grants Office Webinar: First Steps Towards a Grant
February 15 @ 2 to 3 pm (CT) - Online: In this webinar, you will learn what you need to do to register for a grants portal login, how to apply, what the grant programs offer, what the programs can fund, and which resources are available for applicants. If you have never applied for a grant before or would like to hear about the process again, this webinar is for you. Presented by Grants Associate Gillian Maguire.
Join online: meet.google.com/zwx-krei-com
Join by phone: ‪(US) +1 386-361-3086‬  PIN: ‪420 891 978‬#

Small Grant Deadline
The next small grant deadline (requests of $10,000 or less) for the MHCHG program is Friday, April 12, 2024.


From the Blog

This week's blog post is from the Glencoe Historic Preservation Society. Have a blog? Let us know!

Volunteer, Rich Glennie, examining one of the Chronicle compillation books at Chroncicle offices

Historic Newspaper Compellation Books to Remain In Glencoe
When the Winsted Harold Journal purchased the McLeod County Chronicle last year and needed to vacate the Chronicle building in Glencoe by the end of the year, the question arose as to what to do with all of the things that had accumulated in the building over the 40 plus year history of the paper. That included tables, chairs, desks, computers, among many other things, but most importantly, what to do with the Chronicle’s huge collection of historic newspaper compellation books. Continue Reading »

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From the Tube

This week's post is from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. Have a video channel or podcast? Let us know!

Examining Native American history with Brenda J. Child
Rebecca is joined by Brenda J. Child, a University of Minnesota professor, historian and author of several award-winning books about Native American history. They cover important elements of Native history that people should know about, like Native boarding schools, and Brenda’s latest endeavor – a new Center for Indigenous Arts at the University of Minnesota. Watch Video »

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Job Opportunities

Minnesota Historical Society's Job AnnouncementInternship, Fellowship, and Volunteer Opportunity pages.






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Do History Here

African American Bartenders standing behind bar. ca 1940s
Image used with permission. From the collections of the Hennepin County Library and the children of John Glanton.


Submit your history organization's news and events to localhistorynews@mnhs.org.

Exhibit: The Global Reach of Local Activism: Minnesota’s Human Rights Stories
February 8 through June 7 - Minneapolis: Elmer L. Andersen Library - Explore Minnesotans’ contributions to the global movements to end gender-based violence, racial discrimination, and torture. A call to action offers hope for a better future while acknowledging the unfinished work of protecting human rights in Minnesota and globally. Location: Second floor gallery. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Opening Reception: Okra and Indigo
February 10 @ 2 to 5 pm - Minneapolis: Minnesota African American Heritage Museum and Gallery - A culinary storytelling art experience by artist in residence Azania Tripp that shares the story of historical chefs within the Black/African American community and Black Minnesotan’s relationships with food. This art exhibition is inspired by the book High on the Hog by Dr. Jessica Harris, and accompanying TV series by the same name. The exhibition runs through March 30. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Presentation: Mike Olson, Musician, and Cigar Box Guitar Maker
February 15 @ 12 pm - Bemidji: Beltrami County Historical Society -  Mike Olson, a talented craftsman renowned for his expertise in crafting unique cigar box guitars will cover the rich history of guitars, the art and science behind the intricate process of guitar making, and a provide a musical performance featuring some of his creations. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Presentation: Meet Minnesota's First NFL Team
February 17 @ 10 to 11:30 am - Hennepin History Museum - Author R.C. Christiansen outlines the rise of the first professional football team,  Minneapolis Marines -  later named the Minneapolis Red Jackets, in Minnesota and how the University of Minnesota Gopher’s winningest coach, Dr. Henry L. Willliams, influenced the trajectory of a group of teenagers from south Minneapolis, who found their way to the biggest professional football stages in the nation. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Presentation: Duluth Area and the Cold War
February 22 @ 7 pm - Duluth: Brig. Gen. Raymond Klosowski USAF (Ret.) of Duluth, Minnesota will be presenting the history of military operations in the Duluth area during the Cold War with the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.). General Klosowski’s presentation will disclose declassified information about the military operations in the Duluth area. Much of the area’s population was unaware of what was happening around them and is still unaware to this day. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Rehab Lab: Plumbing the Depths of Toilet Repair
February 29 @ 6:30 to 8:30 pm (CT) - St. Paul: Rethos - Need some toilet tips? Join Rethos and other DIYers for a crash course in toilet repair. Learn how to diagnose common toilet issues and determine the best course of action. Longtime plumber and instructor Manny Manzano will demonstrate basic repairs. Cost: $30. Learn more »


Continuing Education

Exterior of the 3R Landmark School Museum
Highlighted Museum: 3R Landmark School Museum, operated by the City of Lonsdale Lonsdale MN.
Photograph by McGhiever, distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license.


EMTC-Replica_Viking_Ship,_Hjemkomst_CenterExplore Minnesota Tourism Conference
February 26 & 27 - Rochester & Online: The Explore Minnesota Tourism Conference is the annual learning opportunity designed specifically for the Minnesota tourism industry. This educational event includes national keynote speakers, topical breakout sessions, networking, and plenty of fresh and actionable ideas. Location: Mayo Civic CenterLearn more »

Refraction: A Gender and Sexuality Discussion Series
February 13 @ 6 to 8 pm (CT) - Online: MN Humanities Center - The first of a three-part discussion series. This session will examine the controversy over sexuality and book bans, and what can be done to continue the freedom to read. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Oral History Workshop: Consent Forms, Recording, and Transcription 
February 16 @ 12 to 2 pm - Minneapolis: Liberal Arts Engagement Hub at the U of MN - This workshop led by Aiden Bettine will focus on the logistic aspects of oral history and discuss best practices for consent forms, recording, and transcription. Workshop participants will engage with example consent forms and transcripts to help shape the ethical frameworks of their own projects and leave the workshop feeling prepared to hit the record button. Aiden Bettine is an archivist and historian who specializes in oral history, public history, and community engagement with archives. He is currently the Curator of the Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies at the University of Minnesota. Location: Pillsbury Hall. Cost: Free. Register/Learn more »

Success in School Partnerships
February 16 @ 11 am to 12:30 pm (CT) - Online: Museum Association of New York and MuseumHue - A discussion all about museums and school partnerships with Michelle Wohlgemuth Cooper (Guggenheim Museum), Ron Chaluisan Batlle (Newark Trust for Education), and Sonnect Takahisa (Consultant). Cost: Free. Learn more »

Controlled Vocabularies
February 19 @ 5 pm (CT) - Online: Backlog: Archivists & Historians - Unravel the intricacies of using controlled vocabularies in information organization and retrieval. Discover how these structured and standardized vocabularies enhance search precision, streamline data categorization, and improve overall information management. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Planning for Sustainable Success: Building a Development Plan for Museums
February 20 @ 1 to 2 pm (CT) - Online: American Alliance of Museums - A strategic annual development plan is the document every nonprofit organization should have to identify how much money it needs to raise, and how it will successfully secure those resources. During this webinar, experts will take you through the process of how to make a strategic annual development plan for your museum. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Succession and Transition Planning: How to Begin
February 21 @ 1 to 2 pm (CT) - Online: Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - Many organizations have experienced an employee with vast institutional knowledge leaving for another job or retiring and the organization was uncertain how to have a smooth transition to the next chapter. Often in such times information may fall through the cracks and countless hours of staff time are spent onboarding and training new employees who have big shoes to fill and do not know where to begin. This workshop is intended to provide an overview, practices, and some tools that may help such changes to run more smoothly through transition, succession and back up planning. Cost: $50 members/$70 nonmembers. Learn more »

Treasurer/Finance Committee: Right People, Right Roles
February 28 @ 9 am to 12 pm (CT) - Online: This session is geared toward helping new treasurers and finance committee members (or current ones looking for a refresher) be successful in their role. They will cover tools and practices that can help board treasurers develop finance skills, ask strategic financial questions, lead board development in finance, and keep the numbers connected to the mission. Cost: $75.  Learn more »

Working with Facilities to Create a Fuller Picture of Your Collection Environment
February 29 @ 12 to 1 pm (CT) - Online: Connecting to Collections - This presentation will go into some reasons why it is important to set up a parallel monitoring system even if you have BAS (building automated system) sensors, and how you can work with facilities to create a better understanding of your building. Cost: Free. Learn more »


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Funding & Awards


Grants for Arts Projects
February 15 and July 11 - (Deadlines): National Endowment for the Arts - Through project-based funding, the program supports opportunities for public engagement with the arts and arts education, for the integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and for the improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector. Learn more »

Historic Preservation Fund - Tribal Heritage Grants
February 20 - (Deadline): National Park Service - These grants assist Tribes, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiian Organizations in protecting and promoting their unique cultural heritage and traditions. From the beginning, the program has been shaped by Tribes. It focuses on what they are most concerned about protecting: Traditional skills, oral history, plant and animal species important in tradition, sacred and historic places, and the establishment of tribal historic preservation offices. Learn more »

Fellowships Open Book Program
March 13 - (Deadline): National Endowment for the Humanities - This program is a limited competition designed to make outstanding humanities books digitally available to a wide audience. By taking advantage of low-cost e-book technology, the program will allow teachers, students, scholars, and the public to read humanities books that can be downloaded or redistributed for no charge. Learn more »

Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program
March 19 - (Deadline): National Park Service - Supports the rehabilitation of historic properties and fosters the economic development of rural communities through subgrants. This program funds physical preservation projects for historic sites, including architectural and engineering services through subgrants to communities determined rural by the US Bureau of the Census. This program funds preservation projects for historic sites, including architectural and engineering services and physical building preservation through subgrants to rural communities (non-urban cities with populations under 50,000). Learn more »



Mastheads of newspapersMinnesota Digital Newspaper Hub
A content update to the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub added
 10,765 new issues and 172,843 new newspaper pages.

New publicly available titles & date spans:

New issues for the years 1993-2023 were also added to several existing current newspaper titles, available to view only in the MNHS Library.

Minnesota State Archives January 2024 Acquisitions
Records added this month primarily document important activities of state government, such as the care of Minnesotans with developmental disabilities, regulation of key healthcare industries, and oversight of important state government functions. Visit website » 
  1. Attorney General.  Public Welfare Division.  Litigation file:  Welsch v. Noot.  Photo exhibits with hearing transcript excerpts dated May 1980.
  2. Faribault State Hospital.  Records dated 1954-1998 (bulk dated 1983-1998).  
  3. Health Department.    Various committees.  Records dated 1983-2019.  
  4. Hennepin County.  School District No. 14 (Bloomington Township).  Bloomington Ferry School Old Timers Association minute book dated 1974-1991; valuable for family and local history research.  
  5. Legislative Auditor.  Reports dated 2023-2024.

New rules on the display of Native objects don't affect Minnesota museums and historical societies
Red Lake Nation News - Four museums or historical institutions in Minnesota said that they are on track to return or already have repatriated any Native American remains in their collections, and they aren't covering up or changing their current exhibitions. Continue reading »

Largest Eagle Collection in the World...in Minnesota
Prairie Sportsman | Pioneer PBS - "National Eagle Center in Wabasha expands to include Native American art and culture, items from Preston Cook’s 40,000-piece eagle collection and an amphitheater." Watch Video »

Historic Foley mansion reborn 2 decades after devastating fire
St. Cloud Live - In the early hours of June 17, 2002, a fire started in the basement of a century-old home near St. Cloud State University. The fire quickly spread to the rafters, destroying most of the house and its contents. It would take more than two decades for the house to be fully restored. Continue reading »

Benton Co. History: St. Peter And Paul’s Church in Gilman
WJON - Benton County Historical Society Executive Director Mary Ostby says the church was established in 1872. The first church was made of logs on land donated by the railroad. Each family was asked to donate three logs to help build it. Listen to audio »

Book cover of The Essential Dear Dara, Writings on Local Characters and Memorable Places


Minnesota History Magazine Winter 2023-24


MNOpedia Logo

Featured Book

The Essential Dear Dara: Writings on Local Characters and Memorable Places, by Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl.

Minnesota Historical Society Press.

Author Event: A Love Letter to Minneapolis with Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl & Heid E. Erdrich
Date: February 13 @ 7 pm
Location: Birchbark Books

Featured Article
Minnesota History

The House that Bullard Built

Volume 59, Issue 2, 2004

Featured Article

Lakewood Cemetery Memorial Chapel, Minneapolis

Featured MNopedia Article



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Local History News: February 26, 2025

Local History News: February 26, 2025

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