11 min read


Local History News: February 1, 2023


Field Note

Saint Olaf site visit

Staff was out in Northfield, MN for a site visit at St. Olaf College for a cataloging project that focuses on four collections about the college's history related to immigration, the rise of higher education, and college student life. Pictured is Mary Barbosa-Jerez, St. Olaf's Head of Strategy for Library Collections and Archives, giving MNHS staff Todd Mahon and Melinda Hutchinson a tour of the archives.


Heritage Preservation Grants

February Grants Open House
February 2 - Online: The Grants Office will hold a virtual Grants Office Open House using Google Meet from 2 to 3:30 pm in order to provide support to our community in this time of social distancing. We encourage people to RSVP to Gillian by email with a short summary of what you want to talk about and she will try to ensure that someone helpful will be available. Learn more »

Small Grant Deadline
The next small grant deadline (requests of $10,000 or less) for the MHCHG program is Friday, April 14, 2022.


From the Blog

This week's blog post is from Hennepin History Museum. Have a blog? Let us know!

Stacks of bicycles in crates in front of the Frederick Roach bike shop at 519 Hennepin Avenue, ca.1902

Frederick Roach: The everyman’s bike seller
Did you get one of these for Christmas? 

Perhaps you found a horse under your tree, but more likely you’ve gotten or given something from an establishment like the one on the right side of the image above. 

My first bicycle was a blue Schwinn with a white banana seat. Many years ago, getting a bike on Christmas Day in the Midwest was a beautiful but crushing experience. It was akin to seeing the ocean for the first time and then realizing ‘we don’t have anything like this back home’. You can’t touch the (new) bike until spring! You can try to ride it around in the kitchen, but moms don’t appreciate that (at least mine didn’t).  Continue Reading »

More MN Blog posts


From the Tube

This week's post is from the Byron Area Historical Society. Have a video channel or podcast? Let us know!

Screenshot of group meeting on facebook, six boxes with faces in allBHS Dungeons & Dragons Club
Byron High School's Dungeons & Dragons Club was established in 1980. We were lucky to reach out to some of the original members! Check out our interview.  Watch Video »

More MN Tube posts


Job Opportunities

Minnesota Historical Society's Job AnnouncementInternship,  Fellowship, and Volunteer Opportunity pages.







Additional Job Postings in the Field »


Do History Here

African American man wearin hat and a handkerchief around neck, standing in front of brick building with a serious look on his face. ca. 1890s
Image used with permission. From the collections of the Scott County Historical Society.


Be sure to check with each organization for COVID-19 updates and safety measures for in-person events.

Exhibit: Hidden Gems
February 2 through July - Minneapolis: Hennepin History Museum - Spanning the twentieth century, the works in Hidden Gems encompass the experimentation, imagination, and creativity associated with modern art. Featuring works by artists such as Josephine Lutz Rollins, Cameron Booth, Ada Wolfe, Bela Petheo, Frances Greenman, and Eugene Larkin, Hidden Gems honors the pioneers of Minnesota art through a range of media, subjects, and styles. The exhibit is filled with art inspired by impressionism, Expressionism, Fauvism, and Abstract Expressionism from the Museum’s permanent collection. Learn more »

Exhibit: "The Life, the Work, the Fight: Black Duluth in History"
February 3 through 24 
- Duluth: Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial - In celebration of Black History Month, the exhibit will be on display in the Zeitgeist Atrium for the month of February. The project combines excerpts of recent oral histories of African-American elders in Duluth with historical profiles dating back to the late 19th century to show the depth and complexity of living in Duluth. Each of the leaders in these stories has been influential in setting the stage for each new generation of the African-American community. There will be an opening reception on Friday, February 3, from 4 to 6 pm and a closing reception on Friday, February 24. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Presentation: Hmong 101: Weddings & Funerals
February 4 - Online: 11 am. Morrison County Historical Society & Stearns History Museum - This presentation features a look at the core canons of MeejKoob (traditional Hmong Marriage Ceremony) and Kev PamTuag (Funeral Customs) through traditional orally recited songs, rituals and customs. Part of the Hmong Cultural Center’s groundbreaking Hmong 101 workshops and webinars, the program was created in response to a need for community education about the Hmong refugee experience. Register »

Event: Charlie Chaplin Movie Night
February 8 - Stillwater: 7 pm. Washington County Heritage Center - “The Kid” starring Charlie Chaplin has been selected for this quarter’s Black & White Movie Night. University professor Steve Schroer will introduce the film and will be available for discussion following the showing. Popcorn will be served. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Presentation: What's up Doc? The Life and Works of Ralph Heimdahl
February 8 - St. Cloud: 9 am. Stearns History Museum - St. Cloud State University (SCSU) Archivist Tom Steman will be talking about and showing archival materials from SCSU alum Ralph Heimdahl who drew the 'Bugs Bunny' daily newspaper cartoon strip and who worked and taught at Walt Disney Animation Studios/School. Cost: Free members/$7 nonmembers. Learn more »

Presentation: Finding Our Place – The Secret Places of SW Minnesota
February 9 - Slayton: Murray County Historical Museum - David Pichaske will present on his new book “The Secret Places of Southwest Minnesota.” Pichaske will show-and-share some of the sources he has used for Secret Places and then, using pictures, will talk about place in that book: the natural landscape, the constructed landscape, towns, businesses, cemeteries, museums, etc. Cost: $3. For more information call 507-836-6533.

Event: Escape the Bong
February 10 through 12 - Superior, WI: 10 am to 9 pm. Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center - A three-day event featuring multiple escape rooms that will test your deduction and puzzle-solving skills. Each room is designed for an hour of problem-solving fun along with a unique mission and experience. Learn more »

Event: Valentine's Lunch to Celebrate Steve
February 14 - St. Cloud: 11 am. Stearns History Museum - A 'thank you' and 'farewell' potluck for SHM Head Archivist Steve Penick. Join in for a Valentine's Day lunch. Snacks and beverages will be provided by the Museum, but they encourage folks to bring a dish to pass around. For more information call 320-253-8424.


Continuing Education

Exterior of the Maynard History Museum (former bank building)
Highlighted Museum: Maynard History Museum, operated by the Maynard Historical Society, Maynard, MN.
Photograph by Jonathunder, distributed under a GNU Free Documentation License.


Oral History and Community 
(TODAY) February 1 – Online: 12 pm (CT). University of Texas Oral History Forum - Learn how community identity, history, activism, and experiences are represented through oral history. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Bringing Down the House: Understanding Deconstruction & Salvage
February 7 - Online: 1 to 2 pm (CT). Rethos - This 1-hour class digs into construction and demolition (C&D) waste and discusses alternatives to standard demolition like deconstruction and building material salvage. The purpose of this session is to introduce real-life solutions to reduce C&D waste and offer resources for connecting with local salvage organizations.  Cost: Free. Learn more »

Fundamentals of Nonprofit Finance
February 7 - Online: 9 am to 12 pm (CT). Propel Nonprofits - This training is designed to make you more comfortable with nonprofit finance. Walk through nonprofit financial reports including the statement of activities (income statement) and statement of financial position (balance sheet). Cost: $75. Learn more »

Mobile Marketing Tips for Every Generation
February 7 - Online: 1 pm. (CT). Firespring - This webinar explores mobile marketing and generational marketing, with an emphasis on: discovering why mobile marketing is so important; four reasons why your website needs to look great on a smartphone; how each generation responds to marketing (and how to optimize your efforts); and five tips for planning your mobile marketing strategy. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Creating and Collecting Oral History
February 8 – Online: 12 pm (CT). University of Texas Oral History Forum - This webinar will explore the relevant issues and concerns regarding creating and generating oral histories in a time of social and technological change. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Practical Leadership 2.0: Building Engaged Teams
February 8, 15, & 22 - Webinar: 10 am to 12 pm (CT). Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - Many work environments are increasingly complex and uncertain, requiring high-functioning teams. Effective teamwork and collaboration need to be cultivated and given regular attention. This workshop helps team leaders develop shared leadership among team members and provides concrete tools for improving collaboration between team members. This is a six-hour virtual training spread over three two-hour sessions. Cost: $129 members/$169 nonmembers. Learn more »

Wood Windows in Old Homes: Repair or Replace?
February 9 - Online: 1 to 2:30 pm (CT). Rethos - This 1.5-hour continuing education class teaches why old-growth wood windows, commonly found in pre-1960s homes, are worth saving. Nowadays, the default option for aging windows is to replace them with costly new windows made of low-quality materials that cannot be repaired. This practice triggers a cycle of waste and ever-increasing replacement costs. Learn about the economic, environmental, and aesthetic benefits of retaining old homes’ original windows. Well-maintained, historically appropriate windows add value to any old home. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Cultivating Community Connections - Farmers Markets as Outreach
February 15 - Online: 2 to 3 pm (CT). BC Museums Association - Spring is just around the corner! With its arrival comes all the joys of the season, longer days, sunshine, spring flowers, and farmers' markets! You may have visited a farmers market on your day off or even hosted a farmers market at your site but have you considered attending a farmers market as a booth? Learn more »

A Discussion of Cold Storage Theory and Practice for Photographic and Paper-based Records
February 16 - Online: 1 pm (CT). Connecting to Collections Care - Learn about storing photographic films, prints, and other paper-based records at low temperatures. One can start small and scale cold storage projects over time if basic concepts are understood. This presentation will also include practical tips and tricks for measuring, monitoring, and passive climate control using sealed cold storage methods. Cost: Free. Learn more »

The Cost of Voicing the Past: The Trauma of Historical Interpretation
February 16 – Online: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (CT). Accokeek Foundation - Museum professionals have the special calling and unique opportunity to interact with history and bring it to life. That opportunity comes with a cost. This 3-hour virtual workshop addresses the trauma associated with telling the stories of the past and how to work through those traumas. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Conservation on the George Floyd Global Memorial
February 24 - Online: 1 to 3 pm (CT). Garman Art Conservation Department - Virtual panel discussion on grassroots efforts to conserve cultural material created to commemorate and protest violence rooted in racism and social injustice. The panel discussion will cover conservation, collection management, organizational structure, administration, and funding of the George Floyd Global Memorial. The story of the memorial will be the start of an ongoing dialogue on community-centered conservation. Cost: Free.  Register »

Leadership and Administration for History Organizations
March 20 through May 14 - Online: American Association for State and Local History - This course addresses governance and administrative structures, nonprofit status and the public trust, mission and vision, the relationship between board and staff, including their roles and responsibilities; strategic planning, human resource development and management, and leadership. Cost: $215 members/$315 nonmembers. Learn more »


Additional Educational Opportunities »


Fund Your Mission

Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities
February 15 - (Deadline): National Endowment for the Humanities - This grant program supports national or regional (multistate) training programs for scholars, humanities professionals, and advanced graduate students to broaden and extend their knowledge of digital humanities. Learn more »

Archives Collaboratives
February 15 - (Draft Deadline) | May 3 - (Final Deadline): National Archives and Records Administration - This program welcomes collaborations among three or more organizations that target institutional advancement for small and underserved communities. Archives Collaboratives may: be located in the same community, state, or geographic region; be "virtual" or online collaboratives; share affinities among the scope and subject matter of their collections; have similar organizational missions; serve similar types of user communities. Apply for a Planning Grant (up to $25,000) or an Implementation Grant (up to $100,000). Learn more »

Major Collaborative Archival Initiatives
February 15 - (Draft Deadline) | May 3 - (Final Deadline): National Archives and Records Administration - This program is for projects to: digitize and publish online historical records as a "virtual" collection around a common theme, organization, or important historical figure(s); or create and test new tools and methods for the archival field to enhance public access, especially for born-digital records. Awards will be between $150,000 and $350,000. Learn more »

Johanna Favrot Fund for Historic Preservation
March 1 - (Deadline): National Trust for Historic Preservation - Grants for planning activities and education efforts focused on preservation. Learn more »

Cultural and Community Resilience
May 16 - (Deadline): National Endowment for the Humanities - This grant supports community-based efforts to mitigate climate change and COVID-19 pandemic impacts, safeguard cultural resources, and foster cultural resilience through identifying, documenting, and/or collecting cultural heritage and community experience. Learn more »



SAVE THE DATE: History Matters Advocacy Day at the Capitol is March 6
Speak up for history during History Matters Advocacy Day at the Capitol on Monday, March 6, 2023. The 2023 legislative session will be an important year for funding history initiatives. Plan to visit with your legislators and let them know why history matters to you. Learn more »

Washington County Historical Societys Ice Cream SocialWashington County Historical Society's Ice Cream Social Continues to Please and Freeze
The high was 7 degrees as volunteers from the Washington County Historical Society enjoyed a rare mosquito-free day by the Mississippi River while they served up free ice cream during the organization's Annual Ice Cream Social. During the event, visitors were able to see the masterpieces from the World Snow Sculpting Championship where teams from around the world created snow sculptures competing for the title of World Champion.  Learn more »

Top: image of man working in cluttered room. Bottom: Mansion style room white fireplace. Yellow scaffolding is disassembled and laying on floor.Exhibits Underway
Work continues at Otter Tail County Historical Society and at the Hennepin History Museum as they both get exhibits ready for the public. Top photo: Otter Tail County Historical Society Executive Director Chris Schuelke is working along with staff and volunteers to get the exhibit displaying their collection of hats ready by opening day March 17 (Saint Patrick's Day). The exhibit "Hat Parade" showcases more than 300 hats worn by Otter Tail County residents, spanning 16 decades. Bottom photo: Painters readied the gallery at the Hennepin History Museum to get it ready for their exhibit "Hidden Gems" which honors the pioneers of Minnesota art through a range of media, subjects, and styles. The exhibit, opening February 2, is filled with art inspired by impressionism, Expressionism, Fauvism, and Abstract Expressionism from the Museum’s permanent collection and features works by artists such as Josephine Lutz Rollins, Cameron Booth, Ada Wolfe, Bela Petheo, Frances Greenman, and Eugene Larkin.

Environmental Initiative Awards
Every year Environmental Initiative holds an annual awards program that celebrates people and projects working in partnership at the nexus of a healthy environment, a prosperous economy, and an equitable society. They are accepting nominations for the 2023 Environmental Initiative Awards through Monday, February 13. Nominate a project or individual you know. The Environmental Initiative Awards celebrates people and projects advancing a healthy environment, a prosperous economy, and an equitable society in Minnesota. Learn more about this year’s categories and access the nominations forms » 

They are accepting nominations in these seven categories: 

  • Courageous Innovator (Individual) 
  • Critical Collaborator (Individual) 
  • Energy & Climate 
  • Environmental Innovation
  • Large-Scale Sustainability Impacts 
  • Local Sustainability Impacts 
  • Rural Vitality 

Cover, The Stories Whiteness Tells Itself




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Featured Book

The Stories Whiteness Tells Itself: Racial Myths and Our American Narratives by David Mura.

University of Minnesota Press.

Book Launch
February 8,  7 to 8:30 pm CST
Location: Minnesota Humanities Center

Featured Article
Minnesota History

"The Contemplation of Our Righteousness:" Vigilante Acts Against African Americans in Southwest Minnesota, 1903.

Volume 64, Issue 7, 2015

Featured Article

Casiville Bullard House, St. Paul

Featured MNopedia Article

Minnesota History Organizations Directory Minnesota Main Streets Preservation Specialists Directory

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From the Heritage Preservation Department
Reminder: Due to COVID-19 all Heritage Preservation Department staff (Grants Office and Local History Services) are working remotely until further notice. If you need to connect with a specific staff member, please email them directly.

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