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Local History News: December 20, 2023

Local History News - Minnesota Historical Society, Heritage Preservation

Field Note

Todd Mahon meeting with members of the Woodbury Heritage Society

State History Services Manager, Todd Mahon (left) met with representatives of the Woodbury Heritage Society to discuss strategies and best practices for inventorying and cataloging their collections. Focus on the inventory first and after that update the catalog records beyond the minimum information collected in an inventory (accession number, object name/description, location, dimensions, person recording, date of inventory, and memo field). Cataloging can focus on updating the record and cover more about the history and story of the object.


1964 Illustration of woman on snowmobile with the words Seasons Greetings
Modified 1964 Polaris sales brochure from the MNHS Collections.
Please note that Local History News will be traveling for the holidays and will not be published December 27, 2023, and on January 3, 2024 it will be published in an abbreviated format. A full robust edition of Local History News will return to your inboxes on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Happy Holidays to you and yours from the Heritage Preservation staff!

Heritage Preservation Grants

The Grants Office seeks candidates to serve on the Minnesota Historical Society's Grants Review Committee
The Grants Review Committee (GRC) is a sub-committee of the Minnesota Historical Society's Executive Council. This committee recommends funding to the Executive Council for the Heritage Partnership Program, State Capital Projects Grants-in-Aid, and special grant programs. The anticipated time commitment for GRC members is minor, with one to two public meetings per year. GRC members should have skills and/or knowledge to evaluate and apply criteria related to grant requirements and professional standards; work independently to read and analyze applications; communicate effectively during review meetings; contribute to an effective group process by being cooperative, constructive, and flexible; adhere to conflict of interest policy; have basic computer skills and ability to learn the application review process though MNHS' grants portal. The Grants Office will give first consideration to individuals who are knowledgeable about historic preservation or partnership development. There are three appointments available for a three-year term starting in January 2024. To be considered, please email a letter of interest and resume by January 5, 2024. Contact Carolyn Veeser-Egbide, Grants Manager, at 651-259-3469 with any questions.

JANUARY Grants Open House
January 4 - Online: The Grants Office will hold a virtual Grants Office Open House using Google Meet from 2 to 3:30 pm in order to provide additional grants support to our communities. We encourage people to RSVP to Gillian with a short summary of what you want to talk about and she will try to ensure that someone helpful will be available. Learn more »

State Capital Projects Grants-in-Aid
This grant program supports historic preservation construction projects for publicly owned buildings in Minnesota. Eligible properties must be either listed in the National Register of Historic Places or determined to be eligible for listing by the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office. The mandatory pre-application is due Friday, January 26, 2024, and the final application deadline is Friday, March 8, 2024. The pre-application process is a requirement of this grant program. Learn more »

Heritage Partnership Program Grant 
Heritage Partnership Program grants build the capacity of two or more eligible organizations to work together on their shared goals for Minnesota’s history. The mandatory pre-application is due Friday, January 26, 2024, and the final application deadline is Friday, March 8, 2024. The pre-application process is a requirement of this grant program. For more information contact John. Learn more »

Small Grant Deadline
The next small grant deadline (requests of $10,000 or less) for the MHCHG program is Friday, January 12, 2024.

Grants Office Webinar: State Capital Projects Grants-in-Aid Program
December 21 @ 2 to 3 pm (CT) - Online: Yes, it's back! A funding resource for public entities (units of state and local government) that own a National Register or National Register-eligible property has returned. Learn about opportunities, project requirements, deadlines, and more during this upcoming webinar to see how MNHS can help fund your construction project. Presented by Design Reviewer John Beaty and Design Reviewer Ryan Maciej.
Join online: meet.google.com/zwx-krei-com
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From the Blog

This week's blog post is from Three Rivers Park District. Have a blog? Let us know!

A very old and ruined cistern

Hidden Houses: Remnants and Ruins at Spring Lake Regional Park
Every park has a story to tell. Some have signs or historic buildings. Others have ruins and unanswered questions, things left over from the people who lived there before. Whether it’s an educational sign installed recently or a soda can from the 1930s, these artifacts tell us something about history.

Compared to other popular Three Rivers parks like Hyland Lake Park Reserve or Elm Creek Park Reserve, Spring Lake Regional Park in Prior Lake is a lesser-traveled park. With a little over 350 acres, five miles of trails and an off-leash dog park, it offers opportunities for recreation in a quieter setting.

Even its history is lesser-traveled. There are almost no easily accessible historical documents about the land or the people who have lived on it. But for a park that feels untouched, it does have a surprising number of ruins. These remnants tell a part of the story of the land and make the park one of my personal favorites to explore. Continue Reading »

More MN Blog posts


From the Tube

This week's post is from the Rice County Historical Society. Have a video channel or podcast? Let us know!

9,000 Years of Irish History, the Abridged Version with Tim Madigan
Tim Madigan gives a brief overview of Irish history both abroad and in the United States with a focus on Minnesota. Watch Video »

More MN Tube posts


Job Opportunities

Minnesota Historical Society's Job AnnouncementInternship, Fellowship, and Volunteer Opportunity pages.






Additional Job Postings in the Field »


Do History Here (or maybe Germany)

1937 photo of school classroom with eight 3rd grade students standing in a handmade toyshop with cardboard toys. Above is a sign saying Our Little Toy Shop
Image used with permission. From the collections of the Carlton County Historical Society.


Submit your history organization's news and events to localhistorynews@mnhs.org.

Exhibit display with German Reading Society bannerCarver County Historical Society Artifacts on Display in Exhibition at German Museum
November 28, 2023 through July 2024 - Stuttgart, Germany: 
About a year ago, Dr. Christina Ziegler-McPherson from the Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg (House of History Baden-Wurttemberg) museum in Stuttgart, Germany, reached out to Wendy Petersen Biorn, the executive director of the Carver County Historical Society (CCHS). They were planning an exhibit on the life stories of German immigrants from the Baden-Württemberg area who had made a significant impact or changed the course of history in America. Each biography has its own showcase dedicated to it. With Minnesota's large population of German immigrants, they were particularly interested in artifacts from the state. To gather these artifacts, they sent a representative to various states, including Minnesota.

One individual from Minnesota featured in the exhibit is Wendelin Grimm whose home is preserved as a museum by Three Rivers Park District. He developed winter hardy alfalfa, revolutionizing the industry. CCHS had preserved some of the artifacts associated with Grimm, including the wooden box he used to transport the initial Grimm alfalfa from Germany, a knife and grain bag with the name "Grimm" on it, and several trunks he used when he moved to the US. Additionally, CCHS had restored items from the German Reading Society, such as a lapel ribbon and a large banner, using Legacy Grants.

These artifacts were carefully packaged and shipped to Stuttgart, with Jeremy Murray, the curator of the Carver County Historical Society, and other curators accompanying the artifacts. The German museum covered all costs related to the artifacts and travel. The exhibit is called American Dreams: Ein Neues Leben in Den USA (A New Life in the USA) and will run through July 2024. The items will be returned to CCHS at the close of the exhibit. Learn more about the exhibit »


Continuing Education

Exterior of the Millersburg School Museum
Highlighted Museum: Millersburg School Museum, operated by the Christdala Church Preservation and Cemetery Association, Millersburg, MN.
Photograph by McGhiever, distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license.


Understanding & Implementing Minnesota's New Legislation: ESST, WESA, & PFML
December 21 @ 10 to 11:30 am (CT) - Online: Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - The pace of this year’s legislative session in Minnesota was lightning quick and there are many legislative changes about to take effect that will have an impact on the nonprofit workforce. Join experts from Minnesota's Department of Employment and Economic Development and the state's Department of Labor and Industry for a 90-minute introduction to three areas of significant change: Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST), Women’s Economic Security Act (WESA), and Paid Family and Medical Leave (PMFL). Cost: Free members/$25 nonmembers. Learn more »

Fundamentals of Nonprofit Board Governance
January 9, 2024 @ 9 am to 12 pm (CT) - Online: Propel Nonprofits - You will learn typical board responsibilities and explore the nuances of board authority and relationships. Participants take home Propel’s Nonprofit Board Governance workbook, which includes the Fiduciary Duties of Directors of Charitable Organizations. While this training is open to all, it is designed for those new to serving on a board or those who are contemplating joining a board. Cost: $75. Learn more »

Cultivating Generative Conversations on Nonprofit Boards
January 11, 2024 @ 12 to 1 pm (CT) - Online: Propel Nonprofits - Learn how to foster generative conversations within nonprofit board settings. We will explore the power of meaningful dialogue and collaborative thinking as catalysts for innovation, creativity, and strategic decision making. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Activist Archives and Frameworks of Care
January 11, 2024 @ 11 am (CT) - Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts - Through her work with activists in communities marginalized by gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and HIV-status, Dr. Marika Cifor has developed a framework for understanding archives through the lenses of cure, care, and radical empathy. Through case studies, her presentation allows us to ask the question, how can the lessons be applied to your institution’s archives? Cost: Free. Learn more »


Additional Educational Opportunities »


Funding & Awards

Public Humanities Projects
January 11, 2024 - (Deadline): National Endowment for the Humanities - This program supports projects that bring the ideas of the humanities to life for general audiences through public programming. Projects must engage humanities scholarship to analyze significant themes in disciplines such as history, literature, ethics, and art history. Learn more »

Institutes for Higher Education Faculty
February 14, 2024 - (Deadline): National Endowment for the Humanities - These NEH-funded institutes are professional development programs that convene higher education faculty from across the nation to deepen their understanding of significant topics in the humanities and enrich their capacity for effective scholarship and teaching. Learn more »

Institutes for K-12 Educators
February 14, 2024 - (Deadline): National Endowment for the Humanities - NEH-funded institutes are professional development programs that convene K-12 educators from across the nation to deepen their understanding of significant topics in the humanities and enrich their capacity for effective scholarship and teaching. Learn more »

Holly Maxson Conservation Grants, Lecture Grants, and Community Partnership Project Grants 
February 15, 2024 - (Deadlines): AIC/FAIC - These grants support individuals and organizations conducting activities that reach a wider public and help institutions conserve their collections. Learn more »



LGBTQ+ Historic Sites Survey
A group working with the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project is conducting a national survey on LGBTQ+ Historic Sites. Take survey »

Redacted: a Survey on Grammar + Language Use in History Communications
To further its advocacy for fuller, honest stories about uncomfortable history, (un)Redact the Facts has launched a study on the way grammar and language choices in history communications, in particular, narratives about uncomfortable history, affect the way people feel. Take survey »

Museum in Detroit Lakes one of 2 locations showcasing Minnesota state flag finalists
Inforum News — And then there were six. For the first time, the six finalists for the Minnesota State flag are on display after the redesign committee sifted through over 2,000 submissions to get to the final six. They still have the old flag in stock at Gompf Displays in Fargo. But it won't be much longer until they start selling the new one to people who want it on their flag poles. Continue reading »

Tower Fire Hall rehab gets $290,000 from IRRR
Timberjay — Tower and Breitung Township received good news last week when the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Advisory Board awarded projects in those communities totaling $365,000. The City of Tower will receive $290,000 for the ongoing historic Tower Fire Hall rehabilitation project being undertaken by the Tower-Soudan Historical Society. Continue reading »

Red River Valley Sugar Beet Museum | Esta Es Mi Casa
TPT PBS — Visit the Sugar Beet Museum and learn about the importance of this crop to the history of the Red River Valley and its residents. Starting in the 1930s and 40s, Hispanic migrant farm laborers began the journey from Texas and Mexico to the Red River Valley of Western Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota to work in the sugar beet fields. They came for the work and a better life. Learn about the history of this migration and listen to interviews with people who, as children, worked with their parents in the beet fields, some starting as early as eight or nine years old. These people eventually stayed and made Minnesota their home and their lives have been bettered through education and the hard work of their parents. Watch video »

Common Ground: Croft Mine History Museum
Lakeland PBS — Barb Grove, aka Mama Cuyuna tours the long closed Croft Mine Museum and Dry House. Members of the Croft Mine Community Committee share their volunteer work to reopen the site, hopes and possibilities. Also local business, Victual‘s owner, shares his insights into Crosby’s State Recreation Area spurred economic development, and a daughter of a Croft Miner shares her recollections of her father’s dedicated but dangerous work at this historic place. Watch video »

Book cover of Mni Sota Makoce, The Land of the Dakota


Minnesota History Magazine Fall 2023


MNOpedia Logo


Featured Book

Mni Sota Makoce: The Land of the Dakota, by Gwen Westerman and Bruce White.

Minnesota Historical Society Press.

Featured Article
Minnesota History

Censorship and journalists' privilege: the case of Near versus Minnesota, a half century later

Volume 46, Issue 4, 1978

Featured Article

Eliza Winston Court Case

Featured MNopedia Article



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Local History News: February 26, 2025

Local History News: February 26, 2025

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