11 min read


Local History News: April 12, 2023

Local History News - Minnesota Historical Society, Heritage Preservation

Field Note

Andrew Peterson House showing deteriorated plaster wall exposing lath and key backing-inset-Historic photo of farmhouse with family in front

Heritage Preservation, Planning, and Outreach staff were invited by Carver County Historical Society (CCHS) to see the progress that has been made regarding research at the Andrew Peterson Farmhouse, a National Register of Historic Places property owned and operated by CCHS. The photo shows one of the rooms where research and exploratory work was done on the finishes applied to the building through generations of Peterson ownership. This research will inform the reapplication of materials sensitive to the historic fabric.


Heritage Preservation Grants

To the left of the signage is a large old sandstone sign from a building placed on the ground. Behind the signage is a wooden buildingSpotlighted Project: Fabrication & Installation of Six Aluminum Outdoor Exhibit Signs
The grant paid for the fabrication and installation of the five new aluminum outdoor exhibit signs at the Virginia Area Historical Society.  A sixth sign replaced a marker that already existed in the center of a public park but was in need of updating. This project is an effort to improve the dissemination of history among their outdoor exhibits. These signs help interpret the nearby buildings and objects, highlight their importance, and assist in sharing the stories that these buildings and objects carry. The signage brings photographs and information out of the archives directly to the public. In this way the viewer not only acquires a deeper understanding of the outdoor exhibits they see before them, but their archives become more accessible to the public.
Recipient: Virginia Area Historical Society
Funded amount: $2,815
Project Details

Small Grant Deadline
The next small grant deadline (requests of $10,000 or less) for the MHCHG program is Friday, April 14, 2023.

Webinar: Construction - Prevailing wage, construction worker classification
April 18 - Online: 10 to 11 am. (CT). Minnesota Dept of Labor - This webinar will cover construction industry-related labor standards requirements, including prevailing wage, construction worker classification, and common construction industry labor standards mistakes and how to prevent them. DLI's Labor Standards unit is providing a series of webinars to help workers and employers better understand the state's wage and hour laws. Cost: Free. Learn more »


From the Blog

This week's blog post is from Minnesota Brown. Have a blog? Let us know!

Image of the bow of a birch bark canoe. Barely seen in bark are designs of stars and a moose

Well-crafted boats keep souls afloat

We are what we make. That’s been true of every culture that ever walked the earth.

Think of the Sphinx of Giza, the heads on Easter Island or the arrowheads we sometimes find while sifting through the dirt of northern Minnesota. Each object grew from a ritual that brought people together to create something that would outlive them all.

We remember the making. I fondly recall my Grandpa Johnson crafting wooden toys for the neighborhood kids, the same ones he made for me when I was little. And I’ll always remember watching Grandma Johnson conjuring the Christmas krumkake filling in a cloud of pudding mix dust. As a boy, I saw my dad, my Grandpa Brown and my uncles make a working diesel engine out of scrap at the junkyard shop behind our house.

And I remember my dad rebuilding a boat. Continue Reading »

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From the Tube

This week's post is from Cokato Historical Society. Have a video channel or podcast? Let us know!

Lost Cokato: Country Schools
Did you know that up until 1971, students from the Cokato area who lived in the country most likely went to a country school?
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Job Opportunities

Minnesota Historical Society's Job AnnouncementInternship,  Fellowship, and Volunteer Opportunity pages.






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Do History Here

Five children on the courthouse lawn holding a umbrella advertising the Peterson and Wellin General Store
Image used with permission. From the collections of the Kandiyohi County Historical Society.


Be sure to check with each organization for COVID-19 updates and safety measures for in-person events.

Exhibit: Stitches in Time Quilt Show
Now through April 28
- South St. Paul: Dakota County Historical Society - This year's exhibition is presented in conjunction with the Minneapolis Modern Quilt Guild and will feature more than 100 quilts on display, contributed by members of the Dakota County Star Quilters. Cost: $5. Learn more »

Exhibit: Artwork of Donna Miliotis
April 14 - Winona: Opening reception, 4 to 6 pm. Winona County Historical Society - Throughout her career as a child psychologist, Miliotis drew, painted, potted, and wove. Upon retirement in 2020, she moved to Winona to be surrounded by nature, family history, and a community that appreciates the arts. Her colorful oil paintings in this show were inspired by plants, people, and bluffs before taking on a life of their own. Cost: Free. For more information call 507-454-2723.

Artist Talk - The Bond Between Us
April 15 - Minneapolis: 11 am to 12:30 pm. Hennepin History Museum - Local arts entrepreneur and visual artist Daren Hill and Hennepin History Museum Executive Director John Crippen will discuss Hill's exhibit, The Bond Between Us. Hill will share how he developed the idea of this exhibit to honor his grandfather and father, who were both photographers before him, and how he was inspired to create art rooted in his Minneapolis childhood. Cost: Pay as you can. Learn more »

Exhibit Opening: Million Artist Movement Quilting Project
April 15 - Minneapolis: 1 to 3 pm. Hennepin History Museum - Quilts from the Million Artist Movement (MAM) will be on display. MAM is a global vision and movement that believes in the role of art in the campaign to dismantle oppressive racist systems against Black, Brown, Indigenous, and disenfranchised peoples. MAM quilts have appeared in marches, rallies, and other gatherings – with a total of approximately 1,000 square feet. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Presentation: What the Heck Does that Say? Overcoming Difficult Handwriting
April 18 - Online: 7 pm (CT). St. Cloud Area Genealogists - One of the biggest hurdles to overcome in genealogy is the seemingly illegible handwriting in our ancestors’ records. Professional genealogist Pam Vestal will address this challenge. Cost: Free members/$7 nonmembers. Learn more » 

Event: Annual Meeting and Backyard Birds Presentation
April 18 - Cokato: 6:30 pm. Cokato Museum & Akerlund Studio - Want to find out more information about our backyard birds that is not typically found in a field guide? Renowned naturalist, photographer, and author Stan Tekiela is sharing fascinating facts and stunning photographs of backyard birds at the Cokato Historical Society’s Annual Meeting. Before the program, there will be a very brief CHS Board meeting. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Presentation: US Civil War Embalming History
April 20 - Northfield: 7 to 9 pm. Cannon Valley Civil War Roundtable - Bryce Beckstrad will present on embalming history beginning in 1862. The embalming technique began by President Lincoln primarily for soldiers who died during the Civil War and needed to be transported home for burial. Location: Northfield Township Hall. For more information call 507-459-3140.

Presentation: Why Not Albert Lea? The Political Competition MN State Public School Dependent & Neglected Children
April 20 - Albert Lea: 7 pm. Freeborn County Historical Museum - Museum Director, Anne Cummins Peterson will give an overview of the Minnesota State Public School system in Owatonna (1886-1946), which includes a brief narrated film shot in 1930. The presentation will also highlight the 1885 political competition between 5 towns—including Owatonna and Albert Lea—to be selected as the site for the new state institution. Envision a buggy ride between Owatonna and Albert Lea. Cost: Free members/$5 nonmembers. Learn more »

Presentation: Before Online Dating, there were Cupid Columns 
April 20 - Bemidji: 12 pm. Beltrami County History Center - Join local author and historian Wendell Affield hear the story of his parents, who met through Cupid Columns. Wendell will share excerpts from his book, Herman, about his stepfather responding to the personal ad of a New York pianist with four children. In 1949, Barbara moved to his rural Minnesota farm with her young children, including the author. Participants will be able to see examples of original mail-order bride advertisements and correspondence and learn more about this centuries-old tradition and its impact on one Minnesota family. Books will be available for signing and purchase. Learn more »

Reading: "Queer Nature" Poetry Reading
April 22 - Minneapolis: 3 pm. Quatrefoil Library - It's National Poetry Month! To celebrate, join us for a free poetry reading from "Queer Nature" an anthology that amplifies and centers LGBTQIA+ voices and perspectives in a collection of contemporary nature poetry. Showcasing over two hundred queer writers from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. Editor Michael Walsh of the anthology will moderate the reading. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Tour: Winona’s Glorious Glass 
April 22 - Winona: 9 am to 1 pm. Winona County Historical Society - Swing into banks, churches, businesses, museums and more to learn about the amazing stained glass heritage of Winona. Associated Crafts & Willet Hauser will be giving guided studio tours too. Cost: $15 members/$18 public. For more information call 507-454-2723.

Presentation: Yellow Jackets - The Story of Lake Minnetonka’s Streetcar Boats
April 27 - Wayzata: 7 pm. Wayzata Historical Society - This presentation will explore the history of the “streetcar boats” operated by the Twin City Rapid Transit Company between 1906 and 1926. Also covered will be the history of the streetcar steamboat Minnehaha, which was raised from the bottom of the lake in 1980, restored, and returned to passenger service in 1996.  Cost: Free. Learn more »

Event: Art and Faith Bridging the Jewish and Black Communities - Stories of a Historic North Minneapolis House of Worship
May 10 & 11 - Minneapolis: The Twin Cities Houses of Worship Project (HOW) and its partners announce a two-day community-oriented opportunity to learn about and engage with the intertwining histories of the Jewish and Black communities in North Minneapolis. Learn about these marginalized communities through stories related to a landmark building that has served as the spiritual home of two congregations. Wednesday, May 10: Photographic and historical exhibit formal opening & lecture by noted synagogue historian Dr. Samuel Gruber. Thursday, May 11:  Symposium; Lectures by art historian Dr. Marilyn Chiat and Bishop Lemuel F. Thuston, Church of God in Christ; Community Roundtable Discussion; and Tour of building. Cost: Free. Learn more »


Continuing Education

Minnesota Air National Guard Museum exterior
Highlighted Museum: Minnesota Air National Guard Museum, operated by the Minnesota Air National
Guard Historical Foundation, Inc. on the grounds of the Minneapolis–Saint Paul Joint Air Reserve Station.

Photograph by Mark Moss, distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 license.


Get Wrapped up in History at the 2023 Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums Conference in Austin, Minnesota

True Program Costs Workshop
April 18 - Online: 9 am to 12 pm (CT). Propel Nonprofits - Understanding the true, full cost of delivering programs and services is essential for management decisions, program design, and effective fund development.  This workshop provides an introduction to calculating program costs and an overview of tools that will help you understand your true program costs and develop realistic budgets. Cost: $75. Learn more »

Transforming Difficult Conversations
April 19 - Online: 10 am to 12 pm. Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - Many of us dread and avoid difficult conversations because they’re uncomfortable and unpredictable. We are often unsure of the impact on the relationship and if the situation will resolve or become worse. In this interactive session, you’ll learn the basic neuroscience of conversations, and strategies to equip yourself to transform a potentially difficult conversation into an open dialogue and opportunity for understanding and growth. Cost: $45 members/$65 nonmembers. Learn more »

May Day 2023 Where to Find Aid and How to Get Training for Disasters
May 2 - Online: 1 to 2 pm. (CT). Connecting to Collections Care - As part of the annual #MayDayPrep program sponsored by FAIC, this C2C Care Webinar spotlights where small and mid-sized organizations can access resources immediately after they experience a disaster, what entities with trained volunteers can offer assistance to these organizations, and finally, training that collections professionals can attend to prepare their institutions and communities for disasters in the future. Cost: Free. Learn more »

Online Course: Introduction to Financial Management
May 22 through June 18 - Online class: American Association for State and Local History/Museum Study - Designed for staff and volunteers of all abilities and organizations of all sizes, this four-week course provides an accessible, clear, and even fun introduction to financial concepts. From understanding expenses and income to how to establish an endowment, this course will equip you with a toolkit to engage with finance on your terms and to your ability. Cost: $175 AASLH members/$275 nonmembers. Learn more »

Buildings on Main Street Conference, April 26-28, 2023 in Winona Minnesota


Additional Educational Opportunities »


Funding & Awards

Arts Education
May 19 - (Deadline): Minnesota State Arts Board - This pilot program helps Minnesotans develop personal relationships with an art form(s) by supporting learning experiences for individuals of all ages and abilities. Project grant funds may be used for age-appropriate classes, workshops, camps, after-school programs, online education programs, community arts education, school residences or partnerships, etc. Learn more »

Museum Assessment Program (MAP)
June 1 & August 1 - (Deadlines): MAP offers a special Follow Up Opportunity for museums that have participated in a MAP in 2014 or later. This year two application deadlines will be offered on June 1 and August 1, 2023. Museum Assessment Program helps small and mid-sized museums strengthen operations, plan for the future, and meet national standards through self-study and a site visit from a peer reviewer. Learn more »

Digital Projects for the Public
June 14 - (Deadline): The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Public Programs is accepting applications for the Digital Projects for the Public program. This program supports projects that interpret and analyze humanities content in primarily digital platforms and formats, such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments. Learn more »

Accessible Arts
June 30 - (Deadline): Minnesota State Arts Board - This pilot program will offer project grants to increase the capacity of the arts sector to make arts experiences more accessible. Funds will be used for investments that will have a longer-term impact on the applicant, such as professional development related to accessibility (i.e., staff or volunteer training, etc.), hiring accessibility consultants to conduct accessibility audits and/or developing accessibility plans, etc. Learn more »

Peter H. Brink Leadership Fund
This fund helps to build the capacity of existing preservation organizations and encourages collaboration among these organizations by providing grants for mentoring and other peer-to-peer and direct organizational development and learning opportunities. Grants from the Peter H. Brink Leadership Fund support travel costs and mentor honoraria with a maximum reimbursement of $2,500. Learn more »



Composit photo of thumbnails showing some of the items being deaccessionedThe Waseca County Historical Society is finding homes for some of its large agricultural artifacts
The Waseca County Historical Society is in the process of deaccessioning WCHS artifacts that have been on loan to Farmamerica. The returned items can no longer be displayed at Farmamerica due to a lack of display space.

It is the intent of WCHS to try to return these implements and artifacts to the donor, donor family, or others associated with the object according to WCHS Collection documentation. The remaining items will be offered to other like-minded institutions, organizations, and businesses that educate and promote agricultural history. Items available can be viewed on the WCHS website. Learn more »

Jess Edberg speaks to Ely Tuesday Group about emergency preparednessEdberg speaks on emergency preparedness for small organizations 
The Ely Echo — Jess Edberg from the Dorothy Molter Museum spoke with the Tuesday Group last week about emergency preparedness and why is it so important in Ely.

On top of working at the Dorothy Molter Museum, Edberg is a member of a newly formed group called the Minnesota Alliance for Heritage Responders (MN-AHR). Continue reading »

People around table with AED device and practice dummy in centerBeltrami County Historical Society receives AED donation from sheriff’s office
The Bemidji Pioneer — During a recent board meeting, the Beltrami County Historical Society received a donation of an automated external defibrillator from the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office. Continue reading »


Cover-Too Much Sea for Their Decks


Magazine Cover


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Featured Book

Too Much Sea for Their Decks: Shipwrecks of Minnesota’s North Shore and Isle Royale by Michael Schumacher

University of Minnesota Press.

Featured Article
Minnesota History

"Two Cats Have Died, and I'm Not Feeling So Good Myself": Origins of Minnesota's State Superfund Law

Volume 67, Issue 1, 2020

Featured Article

European American Women at Fort Snelling, 1819–1858

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From the Heritage Preservation Department
Reminder: Due to COVID-19 all Heritage Preservation Department staff (Grants Office and Local History Services) are working remotely until further notice. If you need to connect with a specific staff member, please email them directly.

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